Settle at Electronicaems for the Best Absolute Magnetic Encoders and Coordinate Measuring Machines

Absolute magnetic encoders, along with coordinate measuring machines are two of the most conventional tools or devices used in various industrial applications, including manufacturing. As one of the market leaders in precision tools, Electronicaems remains committed towards offering the best and most enduring tool to the industrial world. Since its inception in the year 1986, it has gradually grown to become the most trusted manufacturer of coordinate measuring machines and that of absolute magnetic encoders as well. Here’s some piece of blog that crisply acquaints you with some of the products offered under the respective umbrellas.

The Concept of Absolute Magnetic Encoders and Coordinate Measuring Machine
As an industrialist, you need not go through this all over again. Nevertheless, without consuming too much of your time, we’ll have a quick look at both the concepts in the simplest of words.

Absolute Magnetic Encoders: An absolute magnetic encoder involves representing the encoder position to a magnetic sensor and includes the usage of two or more magnetic poles. Absolute magnetic encoders are apt devices in circumstances that involve the accumulation of large volumes of dust and debris. Another important characteristic of absolute magnetic encoders is that they are relatively insensitive towards factors such as shocks, vibrations, or minor misalignments, etc.

Coordinate Measuring Machine: One of the most conventional tools used in the industrial worlds, coordinate measuring machines are technically devices that measure the geometry of physical objects through sensing surface points with the help of a probe.

Electronicaems Absolute Magnetic Encoder Products
There are various in this category, however, as time is always in our enemy, we would only look at a couple of them. Information for the rest and additional details associated with these products could be found at

à MDB20: This includes a precision sensor comprised of an integrated hall element in order to scan a permanent dipole magnet. The sensor generates a consistent amplitude Sine and Cosine voltages used for angle calculations. Further, when interpolated, these signals give out incremental or absolute signals with a resolution of up to 14 bits per rotation. With a 20mm PCB assembly MDB20 is an easy to install product for small designs.

à MDB28: Similar to MDB20, MDB28, as the name suggests is a 28mm PCB assembly comprised of a wide operating voltage that is suitable for various diverse industrial applications.

Other products under this product type include MDM22, MDE16, MDE22, and the soon to be launched MDE36 and MDB58.

Electronicaems Coordinate Measuring Machines
Out of the 4 impeccable products offered under this product classification, we’d be looking at two of them. Additional insights pertaining to the following and other CMM products could be found at

Ruby CMM: A compact machine with the highest levels of accuracies, Ruby CMM is a modern-day product that meets the every-growing demands of modern-day industries. Ruby is granite CMM that offers thermal stability to a considerable extent and also has a job carrying capacity of up to 350 kg.

Pearl 433: Specially designed and developed for shop floor applications, Pearl 433 is a CMM without compressed air. Again, a small sized, but ergonomically designed tool, best applied with micro metric movements, Pearl 433 proves to be useful for those smaller applications or operations and the for educational institutes.

The other two products in this range are Saphire and Emerald. These products are equally beneficial and enduring, coupled up with low maintenance and repair costs.
So, if you are looking forward to buying any of these products, you must consider partnering with the Electronicaems and reap benefits in the long-run. For additional information on the products and service package, get in touch with Electronicaems at +91 20 24229398! 


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