Sustaining Industrial Challenges through Encoder for Harsh Environment

Industrial processes are comprised of several complexities, coupled up with an exposure to the harsh or detrimental environment, which therefore requires industrialists to have better and sustaining equipment capable of countering the harsh environment, and yet to give out the best results. Electronicaems’s encoder for harsh environment and encoder in oil are two of the best devices in their category manufactured with the highest levels of precision and with a viewpoint of helping business owners achieve the required levels of efficiency out of them. Here’s a blog that focuses on two of the precision instruments offered at Electronicaems.

Encoder for Harsh Environment | Magnetic Rotary Encoders
As we proceed, we’ll be looking at two of magnetic rotary encoder products offered at Electronicaems.

MDB28: MDB28 is comprised of a precision sensor with an integrated hall element in order to a scan a permanent dipole magnet. The sensor generates a constant amplitude Sine and Cosine voltages, further utilized for angular calculations. Later on, the Sine and Cosine voltages are interpolated to achieve absolute or incremental signals having a resolution of up to 14 bits per rotation. MDB28 is a 28mm PCB assembly comprised of a broad operating voltage range favourable for several applications.

MDE22: MDE22 could be defined as a magnetic rotary enclosed encoder with a shaft. It is comprised of a precision sensor with an integrated hall element to scan a permanent dipole magnet. The encoder gives incremental as well as absolute outputs to around 14 bits per rotation. The design is similar to an enclosed shaft encoder that, in turn, facilitates an extremely simple and hassle-free installation in multiple applications.

For additional information on the above products, visit

Encoder in Oil | Magnetic Linear Encoders
Let us now look at a couple of products offered the magnetic linear encoders umbrella.

MG232 Magna: This is an easy to install high-speed linear encoder that offers robustness towards dust, oil, and coolants owing to the IP67 protection class. This constitutes to be an ideal tool for dirty environment and shop floor and can be used as an alternative to linear optical encoders. MG232 Magna is available in two forms – 0.5m and 0.1m resolutions for profile projector application.

Magna Slim:  Magna slim too is an easy to install and highly resistant device to dust, oil, dirt, vibrations, thus making its application favourable in the harshest circumstances. The device is made up of a magnetic tape and its aluminum carrier profile. The low profile is apt for compact spaces. Magna slim is a great choice along with EMC14 and EMC25 for high speed, non-contact and accurate measurement.
For more information on the above mentioned devices, visit

Electronicaems has been operating on Pune’s industrial horizon for almost 4 decades. Having built the reputation of being the best precision instrument manufacturer in Pune, Electronicaems, through its products and devices, in a way, has contributed to the success of a lot of industrial entrepreneurs in Pune. Its innovative and industry-friendly range of encoder in oil and encoder for harsh environment, to a large extent, exemplify or represent the company’s achievement to date. For more information on Electronicaems’s wide range of products and services, connect at +91 20 24229398.


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