High Precision 2D Height Gauge - Platina

Technical Specifications:
 Platina 450Platina 700Platina 1000
Measuring Range450 mm700 mm1000 mm
Expandable Range:765 mm1015 mm1315 mm
Resolution:0.010/ 0.005/ 0.001/ 0.0005 mm/ 0.0001 mm
Repeatability(2σ):On Plane ≤ 0.0005 mm and On Bore ≤ 0.001 mm
Max. Measurement Speed:600 mm/sec
Measuring Force:1.0 N ∓ 0.2
Max. Permissible Error*:For 1.3 +L/1000 μm(L=Length in mm)
Squareness**:5 μm6 μm10 μm
Operation Time(Battery):16 hrs.
Operation Temperature:10oC to 40oC
Weight:23 Kg27 Kg30 Kg
Standard Probe:Ruby ball Dia 6 x 48 mm

  • Motorized probe movement with
  • Ergonomically designed controller with color TFT
  • screen with soft-touch keyboard
  • Data storage on USB flash memory stick
  • Direct DXF export on USB flash memory stick
  • Programming, Tolerancing, and SPC
  • Measurements with Long length probes possible
  • Rapid jog up down of probe by Slider keys
  • Active Temperature compensation
  • Quick manual Squareness measurement
  • Supports long length probe accessories up to 300mm
  • Ideally suitable for calibration Laboratories
  • Li-Ion Battery
  • 2D measurements with motorized movement
Buy high Precision 2D height gauge at Electronica Mechatronics systems in India.


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